Monday 7 January 2013

Public service in the UK 2013-style – Tim O'Reilly

Under the guidance of ex-Guardian man Mike Bracken, the Government Digital Service (GDS) have turned parts of Martha Lane Fox's digital-by-default revolutionary manifesto into reality. At least what passes for reality in the Cabinet Office.

Are they getting it right?

How would they know?

These questions have been exercising the ex-Guardian man and he has sought the blessing of the prophet Tim O'Reilly by way of an answer, or sign. Quite what O'Reilly knows about government or about the UK is not clear, nor is there any explanation how he got into the GDS building, but there is footage of him officiating at the Eucharist where GDS's faith in the web was renewed.

Are we right to use such religiose language?


In his review of his first 18 months in the job, under a photograph of the prophet looking as though he may have eaten a bad locust while he was still in the desert, the Executive Director of Digital includes this:
Tim O’Reilly said of the Government Digital Strategy: “This is the new bible for anyone working in open government”

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