Thursday, 19 June 2014

World-famous in their own world

You may not have caught up with the news yet but yesterday evening was major.

Digital Leaders 100 revealed at London gala evening, it said in Digital by Default News. And what a gala it was, an awards ceremony with glittering prizes for all.

David Latimer and his 50 year-old
record-busting bottled terrarium
Digital leader in the Public Representative category was Martha-now-Lady Lane Fox, the salesman who set the whole digital by default revolution in motion.

The digital leader in the Central Government Official category was Public Servant of the year ex-Guardian man Mike Bracken CBE, executive director of the Government Digital Service (GDS) and senior responsible owner of the identity assurance programme (RIP).

And digital leader in the Industry category was Skyscape, who have already "racked up" 50 percent of the burgeoning G-Cloud market.

It's unclear how these people won their awards. There's no sign of a vote being involved. Presumably it's like in the old days when a new leader of the Conservative Party would "emerge" after some mysterious-cum-religious deliberations in a smoke-filled room.

It's odd.

Take industry, for example. That's quite a big category. Sticking to the digital industries, how come Skyscape wins a digital leader award and not, say, ARM Holdings plc? ARM has total assets of £1.7 billion and they had revenues of £187 million in the first quarter of 2014 alone. Skyscape by contrast had a turnover £0.97 million in the 12 months to 31 March 2013 and they had negative net assets at the time of £0.006 billion.

Or consider central government, again quite a big category. HMRC somehow made iXBRL work. That was a gargantuan digital project. Then they made RTI work. Another Gargantua. Why aren't they a digital leader?

11 February 2014 – Identity assurance (IDA) goes into beta
4 months later – no sign of life
A terrarium is an ecosystem that artificially maintains life forms that couldn't otherwise survive in the latitudes they find themselves in – jungle life-forms, for example, in the temperate British climate.

There is something of the terrarium about GDS's output to date, after three years in their bunting-hung, post-it note-plastered and cake-strewn glass bottle in Kingsway. Little life-forms like their view-driving-record application can hobble about to the delight of hobbyists but nothing big. Nothing like IDA, for example, the identity assurance service which is already several years late.

And now what's this we read in Computerworld UK?
Labour says it will keep GDS

Shadow Cabinet Office minister Chi Onwurah says GDS ‘necessary’ but Labour has greater focus on digital exclusion
Chi Onwurah, the David Latimer of Westminster?

No. On inspection, it turns out to be a very misleading headline. Ms Onwurah has clearly got GDS's number:
Shadow Cabinet minister Chi Onwurah has previously criticised the unit for alienating staff in Whitehall departments and being too hostile to large IT suppliers, leading to concerns within the digital government community over GDS’ position if Labour comes to power next year ...

"One of the key differences between the public and the private sector ... is that the public sector cannot choose its market. The public sector is 100 percent. It needs to be for everybody."

... most of the cost in public services are not the sort of things like renewing your driving licence; they’re the really complex services which are more interacted with by the most vulnerable part of the population.

World-famous in their own world

You may not have caught up with the news yet but yesterday evening was major.

Digital Leaders 100 revealed at London gala evening, it said in Digital by Default News. And what a gala it was, an awards ceremony with glittering prizes for all.

David Latimer and his 50 year-old
record-busting bottled terrarium
Digital leader in the Public Representative category was Martha-now-Lady Lane Fox, the salesman who set the whole digital by default revolution in motion.

The digital leader in the Central Government Official category was Public Servant of the year ex-Guardian man Mike Bracken CBE, executive director of the Government Digital Service (GDS) and senior responsible owner of the identity assurance programme (RIP).

And digital leader in the Industry category was Skyscape, who have already "racked up" 50 percent of the burgeoning G-Cloud market.

It's unclear how these people won their awards. There's no sign of a vote being involved. Presumably it's like in the old days when a new leader of the Conservative Party would "emerge" after some mysterious-cum-religious deliberations in a smoke-filled room.

It's odd.

Take industry, for example. That's quite a big category. Sticking to the digital industries, how come Skyscape wins a digital leader award and not, say, ARM Holdings plc? ARM has total assets of £1.7 billion and they had revenues of £187 million in the first quarter of 2014 alone. Skyscape by contrast had a turnover £0.97 million in the 12 months to 31 March 2013 and they had negative net assets at the time of £0.006 billion.

Or consider central government, again quite a big category. HMRC somehow made iXBRL work. That was a gargantuan digital project. Then they made RTI work. Another Gargantua. Why aren't they a digital leader?

Sunday, 15 June 2014

UK local government – dating websites for no-brainers

This is very odd: "Liam Maxwell, the government’s chief technology officer, told that the government would not be funding or instigating a single website platform for local government similar to the central government model".

Why is Mr Maxwell telling us what the government won't be doing? There are an infinite number of things that the government won't be doing. Why is he telling us about this one in particular?

Mr Maxwell's non-announcement is made in a article, Bracken outlines G-Cloud engagement aim, about the putative savings made by the Government Digital Service (GDS) and their award-winning GOV.UK. Public Servant of the Year ex-Guardian man Mike Bracken CBE, executive director of GDS, says: "We are finding there is a lot of education to be done ... In the next Parliament we will engage more with the wider public sector on G-Cloud".

"The government will undertake more intensive engagement and education for local authorities on the G-Cloud purchasing framework from next year", as put it.

What's going on? Why is poor old local government being singled out for re-education in Bracken's second term?

It all goes back to a BBC business news article, Councils 'wasting millions' ignoring government IT cloud:
Cloud services are "quicker, cheaper and more competitive", according to Cabinet Office Minister Francis Maude, with some tech companies estimating that they can be 25% to 60% cheaper than traditional long-term IT contracts.

Despite this, G-Cloud is largely being ignored by county councils
G-Cloud – the Government Cloud – is the Cabinet Office initiative to make it easier for central and local government departments to buy IT products and services.

To most people, putting your applications and data in the cloud means losing control of them. But if Francis "JFDI" Maude says that cloud computing is "quicker, cheaper and more competitive", that's good enough for the BBC and they go on in their article to quote the "shocking findings" of Bull Information Systems:
The findings have emerged after IT services company Bull Information Systems carried out Freedom of Information requests on all 27 UK county councils - 26 responded.

"We think these findings are hugely disappointing and quite shocking," Andrew Carr, Bull's UK and Ireland chief executive, told the BBC.

"By sharing infrastructure costs and moving to the cloud, county councils could take 20% to 25% out of total IT costs - they're wasting millions not doing this."
And not just Mr Carr. The BBC also quote Phil Dawson of Skyscape saying that adopting cloud is a "no-brainer":
Switching from long-term contacts with IT providers selling hardware and software to "pay as you go" virtual services with a variety of providers is a "no-brainer", according to Phil Dawson, chief executive of Skyscape Cloud Services, a G-Cloud accredited provider.
Who knows, but perhaps local government prefers to use its brain?

Perhaps local government isn't entirely convinced by the balanced case in favour of cloud computing dutifully reproduced by the BBC, please see the graphic alongside.

There again, perhaps local government is just being selfishly recalcitrant in the face of "modernisation" because it will involve job losses (40,000 of them, that's the figure GDS always quote). Even there, the helpful Mr Dawson has some advice. Let them eat cake write apps:
"There's no doubt locally run data centres would close," he says. "But there's also an opportunity to create jobs in the app development sector to compensate."
That's presumably what convinces the Taxpayers' Alliance to say in the same BBC article:
"At a time when councils are finding long-overdue savings across their operations, it beggars belief that they are not taking advantage of these new, money-saving technologies.

"Taxpayers expect their council tax to be spent on essential front-line services, not unnecessarily expensive IT."
It may beggar the Taxpayers' Alliance's belief but perhaps there is actually a case against cloud computing that they haven't considered. Local government have made a few attempts to explain it, e.g. Socitm challenges G-Cloud 'waste' report and Councils deny 'wasting millions' by ignoring G-Cloud. The Taxpayers' Alliance may recant when it occurs to them that by putting all taxpayers' records in the cloud, HMRC would lose control of them.

You can join in with the popular rubbishing of local government if you like. Up to you. It's fashionable. There's a lot of it about. You could take a look at the Technology Manifesto published by Policy Exchange, the "think" tank, if you want to know what memes are trending at the moment. Them, or the New Local Government Network – they're always good for a sneer.

Just be aware that (a) that's where most government takes place, locally, and (b) there is a plan – the plan that is denied in the article that we opened with.

Last January, Richard Copley wrote Let’s Replace Council Websites with Local.Gov.Uk – a GDS for Local Government. Mr Copley thinks it would be feasible and beneficial if there was just one website for all of local government in the UK, just as there is notionally just one website – GOV.UK – for central government:
... there are 326 Local Authorities (LAs)/Councils in England.

That’s 326 organisation doing, pretty much, the same thing. In terms of IT this means 326 websites, 326 email systems, 326 social care systems, 326 planning systems, 326 education systems etc etc ...

I estimate that an averaged sized Council will be running around 75 different ‘line of business’ applications – by which I mean the ‘serious’ software that’s used to underpin service delivery, I’m excluding client installs such as CAD or pseudo-systems like MS Access databases and spreadsheets.

326 x 75 = 24,250 software applications.

So the first benefit of a Local GDS is obvious – increased efficiency through removal of expensive duplication ...
It may be arithmetically obvious to Mr Copley that the British Constitution should be re-written. You may disagree. You may feel that the Martha-now-Lady Lane Fox revolution has already been indulged with too much credulous observation. But the Estonian plan is there. As say:
The issue will come under discussion at two events being run by local government organisations in the coming two weeks.
"The first event", tell us on 9 June 2014, "taking place next week is being run by the Department of Communities and Local Government in partnership with the Government Digital Services ... The second event, a 'Hackathon', is being held the next week in Birmingham, and is being organised by council digital network LocalGov Digital, with innovation charity Nesta".

DMossEsq's millions of readers already know that the popular belief among politicians, public servants and the media that GDS have the experience to govern the UK is inexplicable. They know that behind the self-regarding publicity very little has been delivered by GDS and quite a lot has been delivered by other departments of central and local government. They also know that these moves to centralise, consolidate and standardise public services rarely deliver the savings promised. What they do deliver is too much power in one place.

What the millions may not know is that there was a showcase for digital government held at the Royal Institution, of all places, the day before yesterday, 13 June 2014 – PrimeConf: "Our conference is going to be a celebration of great British technology and technologists. Taking a countrywide approach we have invited guest speakers from around Britain to talk about what they know and what they do. We will also be live streaming the event so everyone who wants to can watch regardless of location".

Public Servant of the Year ex-Guardian man Mike Bracken CBE, executive director of GDS, spoke at the conference on Introducing the Govstack: British Civic Infrastructure For The Digital Age:
From canals to sewers, heavy industry to nanotechnology, British public services have kept us ahead in the global race. Now we are creating civic infrastructure fit for the digital age
Local government can get a taste of what they're in for from the #PrimeConf Twitter feed. For example:

"Government thinks it's really complex, but digitally it's about the complexity of a medium-sized dating site." -@undermanager

The man being quoted there, the man who tweets as @undermanager, is Russell Davies, "a Creative Director at GDS".

That's the wisdom which GDS brings to the table. Government is a medium-sized dating site. Good luck, local government.

UK local government – dating websites for no-brainers

This is very odd: "Liam Maxwell, the government’s chief technology officer, told that the government would not be funding or instigating a single website platform for local government similar to the central government model".

Why is Mr Maxwell telling us what the government won't be doing? There are an infinite number of things that the government won't be doing. Why is he telling us about this one in particular?

Mr Maxwell's non-announcement is made in a article, Bracken outlines G-Cloud engagement aim, about the putative savings made by the Government Digital Service (GDS) and their award-winning GOV.UK. Public Servant of the Year ex-Guardian man Mike Bracken CBE, executive director of GDS, says: "We are finding there is a lot of education to be done ... In the next Parliament we will engage more with the wider public sector on G-Cloud".

"The government will undertake more intensive engagement and education for local authorities on the G-Cloud purchasing framework from next year", as put it.

What's going on? Why is poor old local government being singled out for re-education in Bracken's second term?

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Whitehall savings – too modest by half

The Treasury and the Cabinet Office issued a joint press release yesterday, Government unveils £14.3 billion of savings for 2013 to 2014.

It comprises a mass of figures all of which need to be audited by the NAO before anyone can know how reliable they are. As it happens, the NAO published their Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General: Whole of Government Accounts 2012-13 on the same day. They've had to qualify the Whole of Government Accounts (WGA) for 2012-13. They do not present a true and fair view:
... the Comptroller & Auditor General, Amyas Morse, has again qualified the WGA because of significant continuing issues with the quality and consistency of the data included; and has again expressed concern that bodies such as Network Rail and FE institutions continue to be excluded, even though accounting standards require their inclusion.
The ONS also may care to comment on the Treasury/Cabinet Office methodology:
The Efficiency and Reform Group has supported departments in saving £14.3 billion against a 2009 to 2010 baseline.
It's easy to show savings against a year in which there was an obvious crisis. But suppose the baseline chosen was the healthier year 1996-97?

The Treasury's Statistical bulletin: public spending statistics February 2014 shows that government total managed expenditure in real terms was £449.1 billion in 1996-97 and £673.7 billion in 2012-13 (p.19), a 50% increase. As a percentage of GDP, it has gone up from 39.0% to 42.8% in the same period (p.20). That's not a saving, but you wouldn't know it from the press release.

The ONS's Government Deficit and Debt Return, March 2014 shows that the national debt was £1.046 trillion in 2009-10 and had risen 32.5% three years later to £1.387 trillion in 2012-13 (table M1) – the Treasury/Cabinet Office press release studiously ignores the context of their modest savings, which go hand in hand with a weekly interest bill alone of £1 billion.

For DMossEsq readers there is a specific omission from this press release which demands explanation.

Back in January, Francis "JFDI" Maude gave an interview to the Huffington Post during which he said that:
Noting the success of the site, a portal that brings the government billions in revenue from countries such as New Zealand that have paid for the source code, Maude said ...
You'd think the Treasury and the Cabinet Office would find room to mention this useful addition to funds. Mr Maude is not usually so modest, nor Mr Osborne.

Whitehall savings – too modest by half

The Treasury and the Cabinet Office issued a joint press release yesterday, Government unveils £14.3 billion of savings for 2013 to 2014.

It comprises a mass of figures all of which need to be audited by the NAO before anyone can know how reliable they are. As it happens, the NAO published their Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General: Whole of Government Accounts 2012-13 on the same day. They've had to qualify the Whole of Government Accounts (WGA) for 2012-13. They do not present a true and fair view:
... the Comptroller & Auditor General, Amyas Morse, has again qualified the WGA because of significant continuing issues with the quality and consistency of the data included; and has again expressed concern that bodies such as Network Rail and FE institutions continue to be excluded, even though accounting standards require their inclusion.
The ONS also may care to comment on the Treasury/Cabinet Office methodology:
The Efficiency and Reform Group has supported departments in saving £14.3 billion against a 2009 to 2010 baseline.
It's easy to show savings against a year in which there was an obvious crisis. But suppose the baseline chosen was the healthier year 1996-97?

The Treasury's Statistical bulletin: public spending statistics February 2014 shows that government total managed expenditure in real terms was £449.1 billion in 1996-97 and £673.7 billion in 2012-13 (p.19), a 50% increase. As a percentage of GDP, it has gone up from 39.0% to 42.8% in the same period (p.20). That's not a saving, but you wouldn't know it from the press release.

The ONS's Government Deficit and Debt Return, March 2014 shows that the national debt was £1.046 trillion in 2009-10 and had risen 32.5% three years later to £1.387 trillion in 2012-13 (table M1) – the Treasury/Cabinet Office press release studiously ignores the context of their modest savings, which go hand in hand with a weekly interest bill alone of £1 billion.

For DMossEsq readers there is a specific omission from this press release which demands explanation.

Individual Electoral Registration = national identity register

Individual Electoral Registration (IER) came into force in England and Wales yesterday, Tuesday 10 June 2014. DMossEsq's millions of readers have known about it for ages ...
... and a few other people may have seen Rt Hon Greg Clark MP's press release yesterday, Register to vote: new online service launched.

Mr Clark is a Minister of State at the Cabinet Office and he says that:
IER will prevent fraud by enabling government to check that everyone on the register is who they say they are. This will lead to greater trust in the legitimacy and fairness of elections.
"Prevent fraud"? That's a tall order.

"Check that everyone on the register is who they say they are"? We've always been told that we need the Government Digital Service's (GDS) identity assurance service (IDA) for that. IDA still doesn't exist. GDS just can't hack it. It's beyond them. What we've got instead is a second rate check – against the Department for Work and Pensions National Insurance number database. That's the database that included nine million people no-one could account for back in April 2007, Fraud fear as millions of NI numbers are lost – so much for identity assurance:
The nine million numbers were issued by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and are registered on its database, but officials do not know if they are held legitimately.
"This will lead to greater trust"? Mr Clark may prove to be right. Or wrong.

Either way ...
From 10 June 2014, people will be able to register online in just 3 minutes by providing their name, address, date of birth and National Insurance number.
... and DMossEsq took the new on-line registration service out for a spin, pausing only to note that he must be about to provide not only his name, address, etc ... but also, unmentioned by Mr Clark, his IP address, his broadband provider and his location.

Let's start at the end of the process. The last thing you discover is that you haven't registered at all.

Hardly surprising, of course, given that GDS is not an Electoral Registration Officer (ERO).

All GDS do is send the data you've just entered to your local authority, who will either register you or question you if there seems to be something amiss.

DMossEsq's local authority says:
You will ... receive a letter from the Electoral Registration Officer to let them [you?] know that either:
  • You have been confirmed and been successfully transferred to the 'IER register' and do not need to do anything further
  • You need to provide additional information to the Electoral Registration Officer in order to be registered under IER.
"Receive a letter"? Five individuals in the family. So five letters. And there was dear old Mr Clark telling us that "putting public services online is saving taxpayers money". Once again he may prove to be right. Or wrong.

There's meant to be one electoral register per constituency.

It looks remarkably as though GDS will now have a copy as well as the EROs. IER is #1 on GDS's list of 25 public services by digitising which they aim to "transform" government in an exemplary fashion. And they say the service will be used by 46 million people.

That's quite some transformation. It means that Francis "JFDI" Maude, who promised not to create a national identity register, will in the event have created ... a national identity register.

And where is this national electoral register? In the cloud. Possibly with Skyscape. Or Carrenza. Or Akamai. One way and another, not under GDS's control. Nor your local ERO's control.

Anyone could be helping themselves to the electoral roll in the cloud.

In addition, in order to complete the registration application process, DMossEsq had to give permission for his data to be shared with "other government departments".

That's something else Mr Clark failed to mention while he was telling us that:
The new online tool is part of the move to Individual Electoral Registration (IER), replacing the old and outdated household registration system with individual registration.

Now that we've stopped being outdated, we can swap telephone numbers and email addresses.

If you try to Continue without ticking any of the boxes, GDS get all shirty and start talking to you in red, see opposite.

Most voters will no doubt sensibly choose the Post option.

DMossEsq tested to see if there's anything to stop you applying twice. There isn't. GDS aren't validating carefully enough.

Will DMossEsq be given two votes in the next election? Probably not. But his local ERO may be a bit irritated that GDS send the same data twice.

Will DMossEsq appear twice on Mr Maude's new national identity register? Again, Mr Clark didn't make that clear.

GDS celebrated the release of their new public service with a blog post, Individual Electoral Registration – changing the way we register to vote. They're proud of the achievement:
IER underpins the democratic process in this country and is secure and robust.
But not proud enough to update their government "transformation" dashboard, which still shows just one of their 25 exemplars live. It should show two live ...

... and 23 not.


Updated 11.6.14

The image of the digital transformation dashboard above, showing just one live exemplar, was made at some ungodly hour this morning around 2 a.m. Later that same day, the dashboard was transformed by some alert functionary to show three live exemplars:

Mostly, you'd expect dashboards to be updated automatically. They obviously do things differently at GDS. How long before we see "Situations vacant: agile dashboard assurance director, central London, 2 days a year"?

Updated 12.6.14

Updated 12.6.14

No response from GDS, apart from the digital transformation dashboard being updated, but a welcome response from Halarose:

The Halarose company sells electoral registration systems to about 80 local authorities in the UK. We have come across them before, when it transpired that they keep the electoral rolls for these local authorities in the cloud, with Amazon Web Services, in the Republic of Ireland.

According to them, "the data doesn't persist at GDS" – having sent the details of an individual applying to vote to that individual's local ERO the idea is, according to Halarose, that GDS then delete those details, they don't "persist".

True? Or false?

How do Halarose know? How would you know?

GDS certainly don't say that anywhere in the application dialogue – DMossEsq has been through and applied for a third time just to check and, no, the wording hasn't been changed since yesterday.

On the other hand, they do say that they may want to contact applicants, which is why they ask for an email address or a phone number.

If Halarose are right then, no, GDS haven't set about creating a national identity register even though the design of the application dialogue makes it look as though they have.

Perhaps GDS will for once do its parishioners the honour of explaining themselves.

Updated 12.6.14

The level of confusion GDS have sown with their IER publicity is impressive.

We now have people filling in the form thinking that they have as a result registered to vote. They haven't. They've submitted an application to register to vote:

That's in the UK. The confusion extends to the US:

18f is the would-be US equivalent of GDS. Alex Howard is a journalist on several influential journals. And the British public is the British public.

Anyone taken in by this claim that you can now register to vote on-line in the UK is going to feel legitimately aggrieved when the truth comes out, especially the Electoral Commission whose job it really is to register electors, and not GDS's, who might do well to dispel the current confusion quickly.

It's just an application, not a registration

GDS might try clearing up another confusion at the same time. Public Servant of the Year ex-Guardian man Mike Bracken CBE works for the Cabinet Office and is sometimes described on that basis, in the US press at least, as a member of the Cabinet. Confusing. But he's not.

Updated 20.6.14 I

Official forms in the UK are normally available in both English and Welsh.

That includes applications to register to vote. There's an English application form and there's a Welsh one. These are both hard copy forms available from GDS's apply-to-register-by-post page.

As we have seen, there is an English form available on-line. That's where the examples above come from.

Why isn't there a Welsh one?

The answer is that there is a Welsh language application form on-line – It's a funny mixture of English and Welsh but it's there, it exists, and yet GDS haven't told anyone about it. Why? It seems like a bizarre omission. GDS have produced the form but don't tell anyone. Why don't they offer the chance to proceed in Welsh early on in the dialogue?

Updated 20.6.14 II

When you submit your completed application form, the details are forwarded to the appropriate electoral registration officer (ERO).

EROs are going to receive a lot of forms:
  • Some of them will be complete, accurate and legitimate.
  • Some will have honest mistakes.
  • Some will be attempts at fraud.
  • And some will be submitted by trolls simply because they can. In principle, a computer program could be used to submit hundreds of millions of applications automatically. Should GDS perhaps introduce a captcha facility to stop EROs from being deluged?
It's up to the EROs to decide whether to register any given applicant to vote. It's not up to GDS.

The EROs' job could be made easier if there was more validation performed by GDS as the details are being entered:
  • At the moment, any date of birth will be accepted so long as that makes the applicant less than 115 years old.
  • And any address can be entered.
  • Some letters in the National Insurance number (NINO) are acceptable, some aren't, and any numbers will be accepted. The GDS facility validates the NINO a bit, but it doesn't check that it is the applicant's NINO and it doesn't check that the NINO actually exists.
Before 10 June 2014, there was just one application form per household. It had to be signed – there is no equivalent in the new GDS application system – and once posted back to the ERO, any fraudster or troll had run out of ammunition to work with, whereas now there seems to be no limit to the number of applications that can be submitted.

There could be legal reasons for those deficiencies. There might be. There might not be.

Either way, EROs could find themselves with a lot of work to do as a result.

That problem could be alleviated if GDS had managed to make identity assurance (IDA) work. Famously, they haven't. But if they had, then:
  • We could digitally sign our applications.
  • The ERO would know that that was the applicant's date of birth ...
  • ... and address ...
  • and ... NINO, and so on.
IDA will rely if it ever comes into being on a number of so-called "identity providers" (IDPs) and the apparent benefits above could be achieved by getting our putative IDP(s) to confirm with the EROs that the details given are authentic.

But hang on a minute.

In that scenario, the individual trying to register has become redundant. Registration can be achieved simply by communication between the EROs and the IDPs. The individual cancels out of the equation.

Either this new facility of GDS's remains unhelpful or it becomes so helpful that we're no longer needed.

Updated 23.6.14 #1

The first day that individual electoral registration came into force, 10 June 2014, there was already an entrepreneurial website offering to submit your application to register to vote for you, for only £29.95 – just one of the many ways in which digital-by-default can help to boost the economy.

Updated 23.6.14 #2

It may feel like a new world now that we have on-line application to register to vote in the UK but some traditions carry on, at least for the moment, Electoral Registration Officers must all conduct house-to-house canvassing during transition to new electoral registration system.

Updated 23.6.14 #3

GDS published a post on Friday, I fought the law and the users won: delivering online voter registration. The Permanent Secretary at the Cabinet Office, Richard Heaton himself, has submitted a comment:
One small point on your first paragraph: you don't get onto the electoral roll within minutes: what's happened is that you've applied to go onto the register. Your local authority then completes the process.
Good to see that point first raised on this blog confirmed by the man in charge.

He also says:
Your point about law being at the service of users (citizens) is really, really important. Statutes that make sense to parliamentarians and officials, but don't work, are useless. As St Paul the lawmaker might have said: If I speak with the tongue of men and angels but have not useability, I am as a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal.
1 Corinthians 13
King James Version (KJV)

1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.

3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.

4 Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,

5 Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;

6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;

7 Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

8 Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.

9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.

10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.

11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

13 And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.
Mr Heaton has a special interest in drafting the law. St Paul didn't.

Far from being a "lawmaker", St Paul's expertise was in mohair, specifically for use in making tents. And far from usability, pace Mr Heaton, it's charity that St Paul promoted, please see opposite.

"Charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up ...", unlike the brass-tongued claim "I fought the law and the users won", which sounds like a tinkling cymbal vaunting itself and puffing itself up.

What, you may ask yourself, lies behind this claim?

You're not alone. Several people would like to know, e.g. the redoubtable Paul Clarke, and Edward Crocker: "What were the laws you got changed and what was the timescale for this?".

And as luck would have it, we have this response:

Good question. An example of a legislative change we worked with the policy and legal team on, was to remove the requirement for online anonymous voter registration (people who have concerns for their safety) to be available on June 10th. This is a complex area that needs a lot more user research and has additional information and offline documentary requirements (physical copies of court orders etc).

We felt that by including this option in the online service, we risked making it harder and more complex for anonymous registrants as well as exposing the vast majority of people using the service to a concept that has no relevance to them at all. We would rather create the time to research this area fully and come up with a new service for these people.

We went through the process of proposing this change, discussing and debating with the policy and legal team, preparing evidence for statutory instrument (SI) debates in parliament, and the debates themselves – all over a 3 week period.

It's worth noting that booking SI debates has a long lead time, however, importantly it can be possible to add additional items into scheduled debates, which is what we did.

It looks from that response as though the Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013 demanded something impossible – anonymous applicants can't show hard copy court orders on-line. A "useless statute", as Mr Heaton calls it. Since it's impossible, GDS can't do it. But if they didn't do it by 10 June 2014, GDS would be breaking the law. So they argued their case and the law was changed.

Nothing heroic about that, it's not obvious that "the users won" and it's not obvious that there was any fight. So why the triumphant note in the tinkling brass cymbal?

We can only see the answer through a glass, darkly.

Updated 23.6.14 #4

It should be noted that there is a technology available that should, in theory, be able to solve the problem of anonymous applicants.

As things stand, they can't show their court orders on-line because the court orders are hard copy, material objects. But court orders could be issued as digital certificates, dematerialised court orders instead of material ones, if only GDS had got to grips with PKI, the public key infrastructure.

You might expect them to have got to grips with this technology by now. Their lasting power of attorney exemplar #25 (LPA) has been knocking around for ages and could approach the 21st century if the LPA was issued as a digital certificate. But it isn't.

Here they are again, with electoral registration exemplar #1, ducking PKI. That's why they had to ask to be let off doing anonymous applications to register.

PKI is one of the technologies needed to get identity assurance working (IDA). No PKI, no IDA. No IDA, no anonymous applications to register on-line.

GDS fought IDA and the users lost?

Updated 25.6.14

The following comment has been submitted to the GDS blog:

  • David Moss
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    Dear Mr Herlihy
    "I fought the law and the users won", you say.
    Judging by your answer to Edward Crocker, there was no fighting involved. Instead, a new statutory instrument was made. Not unprecedented, these have been running at the rate of about 3,000 a year since 2010.
    The question remains in what way the users have won.
    Rt Hon Greg Clarke MP says in his press release that "IER will prevent fraud by enabling government to check that everyone on the register is who they say they are. This will lead to greater trust in the legitimacy and fairness of elections".
    As the Product Manager, can you please explain how IER prevents electoral fraud any more effectively than the previous household registration procedure.
    You make the point in your what-I-learned-in-Estonia
    And having recourse to National Insurance numbers for IER is likely to lead to the same problem they have in the US with social security numbers: "Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in America. A dishonest person who has your Social Security number can use it to get other personal information about you. Identity thieves can use your number and your good credit to apply for more credit in your name". So says the US Social Security Administration.
    Can you please explain how IER checks that applicants are who they say they are any more effectively than household registration did.
    Lastly in connection with the Minister's promises, can you please explain how you will measure "trust in the legitimacy and fairness of elections" to determine whether it is greater with IER than without it.
    It looks as though GDS will be collecting IER applicants' details all in one place, the database behind the on-line application form. The Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013 makes it illegal to create a consolidated electoral roll. Is there a danger that the IER application service is breaking both the law and Rt Hon Francis Maude's promise not to create a centralised population register?
    Yours sincerely
    David Moss
    Link to this commentReply

Updated 26.6.14
Second best democracy ...
... rejected by second hand car market

Identity assurance (IDA) is meant to prove that a person is who he or she says they are.

GDS couldn't get IDA working in time for IER. So how do electoral registration officers know that an applicant is authentic? As far as we know, they are reduced to name, address, date of birth and National Insurance number.

It's not just IER. GDS couldn't get IDA working in time for Universal Credit, either. And it wasn't ready for last year's on-line PAYE tax code trials. Nor was IDA ready for DVLA's view your driving record service.

Now there are signs of movement at DVLA, the Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency. According to a blog post by DVLA today, The View Driving Record Experience:
We are aiming to launch our private beta of the identity assurance option this week. This will mean that a limited number of users will be given the opportunity to trial identity assurance as an alternative to the existing log in process.
And why are they bothering? Why do DVLA want IDA? What's wrong with the present procedure of using National Insurance numbers to view your driving record? From the horse's mouth:
Access to the service is currently allowed by matching the user’s data to the driving licence number. We also use an existing link to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to check if the National Insurance Number (NINO) provided matches details held by DWP and HM Revenue & Customs.

Whilst this authentication process is fairly quick and straightforward, there are some downsides ... it does not provide us with the level of confidence the user is who they say they are in order to offer them more information such as their photo image or allow them to link to a transactional service.
There you have it – "... this authentication process ... does not provide us with the level of confidence the user is who they say they are ...".

No good for DVLA, but it's supposed to be good enough for applications to register to vote.

Updated 29.6.14

DMossEsq submitted a comment to the GDS blog on 25.6.14 which was kindly responded to on 27.6.14. The following response to that response has now been posted:
David Moss
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Dear Mr Herlihy
Thank you for your 27 June response.
Rt Hon Francis Maude MP, Cabinet Office Minister, is famous for referring to laws he doesn’t like as "myths" that need to be "busted". And for his claim that "we’re the JFDI school of government". Also for embracing Martha-now-Lady Lane Fox's call for "revolution, not evolution".
Working in his department as you do, it must be hard to resist this heady demagoguery. Thus, presumably, your otherwise inexplicably triumphalist "… it's early days for the register to vote service, but with currently the highest satisfaction rating of any online government service, it's testament that those battles were worth having … This is what doing the hard work to make it simple for users is all about … *drops mic*".
As you should all know, when contempt for the law reaches a sufficient hysteria to prompt a revolution, it's the innocent people/users who suffer in the new world from the resulting Terror. From that point of view it is a pleasure to see that your achievements with IER actually required no fighting ("I fought the law"?) but simply rational negotiation and the observance of due process provided for by a wise Constitution.
Far from being "slightly off topic", as you put it, "trust in the legitimacy and fairness of elections" is central to IER.
When a user gets to the end of the on-line application process, he or she sees: "What happens next … We've sent your application to the [local authority] electoral registration office". In that case "we" is GDS. Question 11 of 11 in the application process asks "If we have questions about your application, how should we contact you?". The implication is once again that "we" denotes GDS. If GDS intend to contact applicants, then GDS must be keeping the applicants' details. Illegally. But you say they're not – "this isn't the case".
If GDS insist on fomenting a belief that the law is a collection of myths that need to be busted by callow revolutionaries who JFDI because they madly believe that they know what's best for users, then they undermine their own credibility. GDS are going to find it difficult to make people believe that the law isn't being flouted and that the applicants' details aren't preserved centrally.
You say that IER has "currently the highest satisfaction rating of any online government service" but you make no reference in your 27 June response to the question how "IER checks that applicants are who they say they are". IER uses the same technique as DVLA's view-driving-record service, a technique which relies on National Insurance numbers (NINOs).
Far from being highly satisfied, DVLA say: "Whilst this authentication process is fairly quick and straightforward, there are some downsides … it does not provide us with the level of confidence the user is who they say they are in order to offer them more information such as their photo image or allow them to link to a transactional service".
The Electoral Commission are due to launch an IER public information campaign next month. If DVLA don't think NINOs are good enough to link drivers to a transactional service, then it would be irresponsible for the Commission to say that NINOs are good enough to link people to a vote.
Someone has been filling the Electoral Commission's head full of unjustified confidence in eVoting. It's been tried and failed to work in Washington DC, Estonia and Norway.
Under the Lane Fox dispensation, GDS are in charge of digital government, and it is GDS's responsibility therefore to rein in the Commission, who are getting way ahead of the game, recommending eVoting when we can't even do eRegistration. Among others, your responsibility, Mr Herlihy.
"*drops mic*"
Yours sincerely
David Moss
Link to this comment

Updated 30.6.14

"Why don't they offer the chance to proceed in Welsh early on in the dialogue?", asked DMossEsq 10 days ago.

Now they do.

After dealing with people who wish to register by post – which remains an option – and after seeing off the illegal residents.

Updated 30.10.14

Yesterday, GDS published the list of the public services that will be first to use IDA, or "GOV.UK Verify" as it's now known, please see The next 6 months: services that plan to start using GOV.UK Verify.

GDS's application service to register to vote is not on the list. Never mind the upcoming general election, the service will have to continue to limp along with no on-line identity assurance.

Viewing your driving record will be graced with identity assurance, if GDS are to be believed, but not applying to register to vote.

Updated 31.10.14

Leafing through Nick Clegg's June 2011 White Paper on Individual Electoral Registration, your eye may be caught like DMossEsq's by clause 52 on pp.18-9:
In time other forms of verification may become available which means that a person may not be required to produce their NINO [National Insurance number] and DOB [date of birth] when making a new application to register – the legislation has been drafted with this in mind. On 18 May 2011 the Government announced plans for the development of a consistent, customer-centric approach to digital identity assurance [emphasis added] across all public services. The intention is to create a market of certified identity assurance services delivered by a range of private sector and mutualised suppliers so that people will be able to use the service of their choice to prove their identity when accessing any public service. The draft legislation will allow digital identity assurance to be used in future to verify an application to be added to the electoral register. Additionally it may be possible for verification to take place at local authority level using similar local arrangements. We will monitor these developments with a view to improving the verification process if it helps to simplify the system and encourages more people to register.
Have GDS forgotten?

Updated 17.1.15

Apart from the problems above, how is individual electoral registration going?

The BBC report that Labour attacks missing voters 'scandal':
Labour said 307 of 373 local authorities that provided data had recorded a reduction in their electoral roll. Overall, there had been a reduction of 950,845, the party said.
"I fought the law and the users won"?

Updated 19.3.15

BBC: Registered to vote? Computer says no…

Updated 13.7.15

Despite GDS's work on IER, electoral fraud remains a problem according to Eric-now-Sir-Eric Pickles, the UK's Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government until the general election a few months ago:
We are ignoring electoral fraud just as we ignored child sex abuse in Rotherham

Our nation has a proud heritage as the mother of Parliaments, yet the worrying and covert spread of electoral fraud threatens that reputation. While all politicians want high turnouts, we cannot sacrifice integrity and confidence in our democracy through misplaced political correctness or woolly concerns over “political engagement”. It is time to awake from our state of denial and take action against the electoral crooks who threaten our elections. British democracy should not be reduced to the level of a phone vote in an X Factor contest: “vote early, vote often” is the problem, not the solution.

Updated 31.1.16

Now that we have individual electoral registration in the UK and now that we have GDS's on-line system for batching up applications to register to vote, everything is different.

Gone are the days when the local Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) wrote to the head of the household to confirm voter details. Now he or she sends the same letter addressed to "The Occupier(s)":

The transformation isn't quite complete. There's only one letter – for the household – rather than one per voter and the ERO's reference is still "Household Information Letter".

When will the ERO send emails instead of letters?

When will the "Current Voting Method" column include "Electronic" in addition to "Polling Station" and "Postal"?

We don't know the answers.

But there is another question. As we speak, the Office for National Statistics is preparing for the 2021 census, see for example Come along to an Office for National Statistics supplier briefing to find out how you can get involved in the delivery of the 2021 Census. Many people expect the next UK census to be conducted electronically. How likely is that to be the case?

How likely are we to have an electronic census in five years time? Given the limitations of the electronic registration of voters? And the repeated failures of the assisted digital project to make any progress? And the sad death of the national identity assurance scheme, GOV.UK Verify (RIP)? Not very.

All that alleged transformation GDS are so proud of – lipstick on a pig? That's what the departed deputy director of GDS thinks.

Updated 1.5.16

Last week a man you've never heard of said something.

On 28 April 2016, Dr. Philip John Rycroft CB DPhil, Second Permanent Secretary at the Cabinet Office and Head of its UK Governance Group, published Modernising voter registration - the unsung story.

He wants people to be sure and vote in this week's local elections, police commissioner elections, the London mayoral election and the June EU referendum. Fair enough. That's his job.

It's a moot point whether GDS's batch application system for registration counts as modernisation. As for "unsung", 5,760 words above says GDS's efforts are anything but.

Second Permanent Secretaries asking for praise when their staff just do their job? Remember the Biblical warning of the previous permanent secretary, Richard Heaton, not to be "as a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal".

Updated 18.7.17

The brass was being sounded again yesterday and the cymbals were tinkling.

GDS's batch apply-to-register-to-vote system recorded some monumental activity in the run-up to the UK's 8 June 2017 general election – well over 600,000 applications were made on 22 May 2017 alone.

Those applications are collected by GDS's system and forwarded to the appropriate EROs, the electoral registration officers for each area. Registration is up to the EROs, not GDS.

Many applications will be legitimate and correct, some will be fraudulent, some will contain errors and many will be duplicates. They all have to be checked manually before the electoral rolls in each area can be updated.

You might assume that GDS's GOV.UK Notify would be pressed into service here but, no, applicants are not told the result electronically. Have they been registered or haven't they? They don't know until a polling card arrives by post or until they try to vote in person.

And who is that person? You might hope that GDS's GOV.UK Verify (RIP) would be pressed into service here but, no, it isn't, and the attempts made at identity assurance are puny and not worthy of the name.

Even if GOV.UK Verify (RIP) were pressed into service, you can't assume that it would help. The long line of people unimpressed with it has recently been joined by the UK's Law Commission, who say: "Verify does not currently ensure that the person entering the information is in fact the person he or she is purporting to be; rather it focuses on verifying that the person exists" (para.6.67).

GDS claim to be in the business of re-engineering public administration systems from end to end. They're not. In the case of individual electoral registration they have added a batch application system and left all the old manual practices in place.

Questions have been asked about this for three years, please see above. There were no answers three years ago and there were no answers yesterday, please see alongside. And nothing in between. Transformation, which is what is needed and promised, is beyond them.

Individual Electoral Registration = national identity register

Individual Electoral Registration (IER) came into force in England and Wales yesterday, Tuesday 10 June 2014. DMossEsq's millions of readers have known about it for ages ...
... and a few other people may have seen Rt Hon Greg Clark MP's press release yesterday, Register to vote: new online service launched.

Mr Clark is a Minister of State at the Cabinet Office and he says that:
IER will prevent fraud by enabling government to check that everyone on the register is who they say they are. This will lead to greater trust in the legitimacy and fairness of elections.
"Prevent fraud"? That's a tall order.

"Check that everyone on the register is who they say they are"? We've always been told that we need the Government Digital Service's (GDS) identity assurance service (IDA) for that. IDA still doesn't exist. GDS just can't hack it. It's beyond them. What we've got instead is a second rate check – against the Department for Work and Pensions National Insurance number database. That's the database that included nine million people no-one could account for back in April 2007, Fraud fear as millions of NI numbers are lost – so much for identity assurance:
The nine million numbers were issued by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and are registered on its database, but officials do not know if they are held legitimately.
"This will lead to greater trust"? Mr Clark may prove to be right. Or wrong.